Paul J.  Wiedefeld

Paul J. Wiedefeld

With more than 35 years of public and private sector transportation management experience, and a Master’s degree in City and Regional Planning from Rutgers University, Paul, was appointed the head of Washington Metro in the winter of 2015.
In his first year as General Manager/CEO, Metro began moving to improve safety, reliability and get its financial house in order. Paul recruited a high-caliber executive team and a new set of accountability measures for employees were introduced. Under his leadership, Metro is also making tough choices to curtail expenses. Importantly, Metro riders are also beginning to see more customer-friendly features.
Paul has launched an aggressive plan to accomplish three years of track rehabilitation work in about a year. SafeTrack has received broad regional support for improving safety and reliability. In just a little over 4 months, the program has replaced thousands more rail ties than Metro previously achieved in an entire year.