Lora  Anderson

Lora Anderson

Lora has been dancing with happy abandon since she was three years old. When she became a professional dancer, she practiced Pilates to strengthen herself during rehearsals and performance schedules. She went on to dance as a Radio City Rockette in NYC for 9 years and appeared in numerous musicals around the world. During her very active entertainment career she never missed a show and remained injury free. She credits this to the attention she paid to posture and alignment.
While still performing she began her studies that would lead her to become a master teacher in the Pilates method through Pilates Sports Center as well as certified in GYROTONIC®, GYROKINESIS®, the Franklin Method, DaVinci BodyBoard and other body balancing disciplines. In 2004, Lora opened the doors to Pilates Studio City and now co-owns two studios in Los Angeles with Nikki Alstedter and Pilates South Austin in Austin, TX.