Jared Busey and  Lisa Diacik

Jared Busey and Lisa Diacik

Jared Bucey at 16 walked away from chemotherapy with stage 4 Hodgkin’s Lymphoma and his mother Lisa by his side. After being in and out of hospitals his whole life he was done with the needles and the drugs. He wanted a natural alternative to rid his body of cancer and they set out to find it. Two years later they are here with us today to tell their story. Jared is now 18 years old with a new lease on life and cancer free. He is a public speaker serving children and their parents who are also struggling with disease and wanting to take an alternative approach to healing. He has written his autobiography and promotes a healthy holistic lifestyle via his social media sites. His mother Lisa, who also overcame her illnesses naturally along with Jared through supplementation, food, and other alternative modalities has also published a book, and received her nutritionist certificate. She tells people daily, “What it comes down to is you have to love yourself enough to love your health"!