Jason  Shepherd

Jason Shepherd

Jason Shepherd is the Director of Strategy and Partnerships for Dell’s Internet of Things (IoT) division which is developing solutions for commercial use cases in buildings, manufacturing, transportation, and logistics. He manages a team of industry SMEs and has overall responsibility for the Dell IoT Solutions Partner Program, a curated community of Industrial IoT technology providers. He started his career at Dell as an engineer and then worked at several tech startups where he gained broad experience spanning product design to sales engineering. He returned to Dell in 2006 to manage Precision mechanical engineering before being tapped to lead a R&D team that pitched new solution concepts to senior leadership. Prior to his current role Jason was a technologist in Dell’s Office of the CTO where he developed numerous software innovations and helped lead the strategic core team that triggered Dell’s entrance into the IoT space. He is named on 12 granted and 13 pending US patents.