Ben  Bowler

Ben Bowler

Ben Bowler is Executive Director of UNITY EARTH and specializes in the global events of U DAY Festival. These events have included “Return to Country” and “Fields of Healing” in Australia, “The Convergence of Fires” for 2017 World Interfaith Harmony Week in Ethiopia, The Toronto Convergence at the 2018 Parliament of the World’s Religions, and the New York Convergence and UNTY EARTH Lift-off in New York City in 2019. He and his wife Jildou founded Blood Foundation, a NGO focusing on education, Monk for a Month in Chiang Mai, and Muslim for a Month in Turkey offering guests first-hand experience id the spiritually of Rumi. In 2011 Ben launched the World Weavers spiritual immersion program and, at the 2015 Parliament of the World's Religions launched, an online platform aimed at countering religious fundamentalism, relativism and western materialism. Ben is a Social-Entrepreneur-in-Residence at the prestigious INSEAD business School and a blogs for the Huffington Post.