Nick  Kidawski

Nick Kidawski

I am a Certified Emotion Code Practitioner and Certified Holistic Educator. I'm well known for my sense of humor, love of movies, and gentle nature. As a result of my previous studies, I always knew that our emotions can become “trapped” in the body resulting in physical pain and tension, self-sabotage, and block people from love and happiness. How could I help my clients to quickly release these "trapped" emotions so that they could get back to being the person they loved to be? This led me in 2015 to study the Emotion Code which helps people to quickly and gently release their emotional baggage without dragging them through their past and bringing up unpleasant memories. After being involved in massage and craniosacral therapy for a number of years, I decided that I needed something easier on my body. In 2017 I decided to re-focus my business on helping clients heal their emotions and hearts through doing the Emotion Code.