Radio Episodes
5/9/2018 a-new-math-built-on-belief

A New Math Built on Belief

Global Business
Wall Street is used to companies setting and meeting expectations. But recently, all too often companies that play this fail-safe game have begun to fail. Listen Now

4/18/2018 universities-as-culture-hubs

Universities as Culture Hubs

Global Business
We have been discussing the Disruption in every industry in recent episodes. Today we have a very special guest, Professor Lalit Johri from the University of Oxford's Said Business School, talking with "Global Business" host Mahesh Joshi and our series guest, Gaurav Rastogi. Listen Now

4/11/2018 sign-up-for-failure-gym-to-succeed

Sign up for Failure Gym to Succeed

Global Business
Listen to an intriguing discussion on the role of failure on the road to success. Companies that try too hard to avoid failing inevitably crash and burn. Listen Now

4/4/2018 studio-yoga-to-corporate-yogi

Studio Yoga to Corporate Yogi

Global Business
For peak performance as a leader, get out of the yoga studio, and learn to become a Corporate Yogi. The future of human work is the subject of this week’s discussion. Listen Now

3/22/2017 the-future-of-human-worker

The future of human worker

Global Business
Listen to the insights on Future of Human Workers in the age of Automation, Drones, Robots, Artificial Intelligence, and Machine Intelligence from a transformational leader. Listen Now