Eve Minax
Dubbed by her peers as the “Approahcable Pervert”, Domina, Kink Educator and Author Eve Minax delights in proliferating carnal knowledge. She relishes training folk desirous of gaining deeper insight into erotic domination and submission - which is not limited to physical skills. Minax developed her skills in BDSM in France, Australia, and the U.S. and currently resides and practices her art in San Francisco. She has honed her pedagogical skills at a plethora of conferences over the years, and was the coordinator for CineKink:Chicago and the LA&M Road show. She has been acting as Lead Staff Instructor for the Cleo Dubois Academy of SM Arts since 2002 and also sits on the board of CARAS (https://carasresearch.org/) and TASHRA(http://www.tashra.org/). A certified Urban Tantrika and Bondassage Practitioner and trainer, Minax values the depth of the work. She has self-produced over 100 videos and also shoots for well known bondage sites like bondageland.com and seriousbondage.com.