Shoshana  Ungerleider

Shoshana Ungerleider

Shoshana Ungerleider, MD is an internist practicing hospital medicine in San Francisco, California. She received her medical degree from Oregon Health & Science University in Portland, OR and completed residency at California Pacific Medical Center where she is now on the teaching faculty and serves on the Foundation Board of Trustees. Dr. Ungerleider is passionate about improving how seriously ill patients are cared for throughout the continuum of life. She founded the Ungerleider Fund to support innovative programs that further palliative care education at every level. She was a major funder of Extremis, the Academy Award nominated short documentary on end-of-life decision-making in the ICU by director, Dan Krauss. She is co-founder of End Well: a national, interdisciplinary symposium on design and innovation for the end of life experience taking place in San Francisco on December 7, 2017.