George  Green

George Green

During his 17 years as the President and General Manager of KABC radio, George Green gained a reputation as one of the top sales motivators in the country, for managing a radio station that cared about L.A., and for creating dozens of community events benefiting the city. His editorial responsibility saw him write and air over two-thousand editorials, heard by millions of KABC’s listeners in Southern California. George won numerous business, community, and media industry awards-including Executive of the Year by Southern California’s Executive Magazine. When his career in radio ended, George found it difficult to sit back and watch life float by. So, when founding a talent management company and an advertising agency wasn’t enough, he studied acting and appeared in TV and film. Then he became a respected author of 3 books for adults, including Out of the Spotlight, and 12 books for kids, from Cathy The Cow Who Couldn't Moo to Fluffy the Cat Who Couldn't Meow.