Simon  Goupil

Simon Goupil

Simon Goupil is the Sr. Vice President of Strategic Industries & Initiatives at /N SPRO. In this role, he oversees /N SPRO’s technology innovations and strategic industries clients. As a veteran HRIS expert and technology entrepreneur, Simon led /N SPRO to become one of the world’s leading SAP Cloud HR partners. His areas of focus are Solution Architecture, HRIS, Project Management, Mobility, and Cloud infrastructure & Platforms. He is a technical leader in SAP’s Partner Advisory Council for Innovations, and a frequent speaker at SAP HCM events. Simon spends his days in the field working with business and technology leaders to find creative solutions to the impossible. He is recognized for his creative mind, breath of knowledge, his ability to make technology accessible for everyone, and his sense of humor. Simon is a strong believer that technology should serve people, and not the other way around.