Ben  Legg, CEO of Adparlor Global

Ben Legg, CEO of Adparlor Global

Ben Legg has lived in 9 countries and worked as an advisor to more than 50 investors, boards and CEOs worldwide. He is a public speaker and author. He is the Gold Winner of the 2017 CEO World Awards® for The Metrics Person Category. His company, AdParlor works with ambitious marketers to create personalized customer journeys at scale. They help ambitious marketers connect with their customers - across Facebook, YouTube, Snapchat, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest and LinkedIn - to drive both online and offline engagement. AdParlor is headquartered across Toronto, Kansas City, New York and Singapore, and has employees in 20 offices around the world. Ben is an expert and proven leader shaping the digital world. Expertise: global expansion; personalized marketing, digital strategy; product development; corporate development; marketing transformation; e-commerce; big data; customer lifetime value; sales management; organizational transformation & culture.