Chiara  Sparks

Chiara Sparks

Chiara was 12 years old when her teachers started complaining that she was no longer paying attention in class. She was also sleeping all time. This was not normal behavior for Chiara. She used to have boundless energy running and playing until the streetlights came on. It wasn’t long after that a series of seizures would have her diagnosed with epilepsy. Her entire life would be turned upside down. Over the past several years she has fought to stay present in her life while seizures, side effects, injuries, depression and anxiety were sucking the life out of her. She had moments were she didn’t want to live always worrying and anticipating the next seizure. It prevented her for doing all the things she loved. Chiara is now 18 years old, freshly graduated and looking for work. Her seizures finally stabilized. It has been ten months since she had her last seizure and is hopeful she can start engaging in life again. She wrote a book called Just Like the Lotus.