Jeff  Steinberg

Jeff Steinberg

Jeff Steinberg calls himself a MASTERPIECE IN PROGRESS! Yet to see him, he looks like anything BUT a "masterpiece." Born with what others would call Handicaps - he has NO arms or hands, and malformed legs. But he refused to quit. He is quick to tell you, "I am made to be awesome and wonderful!!" Jeff is living proof that, ".the difficult we do right away, the impossible takes a little longer!"
Jeff Steinberg is a highly sought after Keynote Speaker, Humorist/Comedian, Author and Singer. For almost 45 years, he has offered a most unique challenge, "The least likely person can accomplish the most extraordinary things in a most unusual way!" Jeff also offers consulting regarding disability and accessibility issues. “It’s not enough to just know the rules!”
Jeff Steinberg is the 13th inductee into The Good Shepherd Hall of Fame for Persons with Disabilities. He is also recipient of the prestigious 2015 Artist Music Guild Heritage Award for Comedian of The Year.