Radio Episodes
10/11/2017 the-akola-project-transforming-lives-of-impoverished-women

The Akola Project: Transforming Lives of Impoverished Women

Working on Purpose
Brittany Merrill Underwood has made an extraordinary impact through her dedication over the past 14 years to transform the lives of impoverished women and families through Akola, a non-profit social business designed to empower women in disadvantaged communities through training, employment and holistic care. Listen Now

10/7/2016 building-a-social-business-from-the-ground-up

Building a Social Business from the Ground Up

The Business Edge
Three key factors play essential roles in building a social business from the ground up: brand, impact and an innovative product. Brittany Underwood, Founder and CEO of Akola, has built a social business through a nonprofit framework. Listen Now