Garner Thomson
GARNER THOMSON, NLP Master Practitioner and Master Trainer, is the creator of the pioneering Medical NLP programme. Medical NLP is a field developed out of the work of Dr Richard Bandler, integrating Neuro-Linguistic Programming, solution-oriented psychotherapy and advanced communication skills into mainstream medical practice.
In 1998, he founded The Society of Medical NLP, with the support of Dr Bandler, and clinical advisor and GP trainer Dr Khalid Khan. He assembled a group of professional advisors, including specialists in primary care, and consultant physicians in pain management, surgery, anaesthetics, care of the elderly, psychiatry, paediatrics, nutrition and nursing, all of whom trained with him in Medical NLP and communication and consulting skills.
Since then, he has taught several hundred doctors, dentists, psychologists, psychiatrists, nurses, and allied health professionals from the United Kingdom, continental Europe, China, North America, Australia, Canada and India.