Tanmay  Bakshi

Tanmay Bakshi

Tanmay Bakshi, is the youngest IBM Watson Programmer and one of the youngest cloud computing developers.
Tanmay has been programming since he was 5 and is now, at the age of 14, building applications engineered to augment human capabilities.
He is a neural-network architect, author, algorithm-ist, keynote and TED speaker, IBM Champion for Cloud, Honorary IBM Cloud Advisor and the host of an IBM Facebook Live Series called Watson Made Simple with Tanmay.
His passion for learning and sharing through his YouTube channel and other media, has taught him how to best utilise and apply cognitive computing in fields ranging from finance to chatbots.
Tanmay’s goal is to inspire and train 100,000 kids and novice developers to create their own solutions.
He is also developing a unique system for those with Rett Syndrome enabling them to "speak" to us.
Tanmay's new venture includes helping to identify youth depression and prevent teen suicide through his custom built neural networks.