Marlene  Richter

Marlene Richter

Marlene Richter is a licensed Social Worker and has championed the development of programs to assist persons and families in crisis in Nevada for 22 years. She is an Air Force veteran and is educated in social work and ethics and policy studies from UNLV. As Executive Director of Noah’s Animal House, she enjoys celebrating the healing bond of pets and people recovering from trauma. With deep compassion for the communities in our state, Marlene served the rural community as Chair of The Substances of Abuse Task Force, was a steering committee member of The Southern Nevada Human Trafficking Task Force, a founding board member of the Nevada Partnership for Homeless Youth, and an advisory committee member for the Saint Therese Center. She shares her experience in working with victims as an expert and has been a national speaker and trainer on the topic of Identifying and Serving Victims of Human Trafficking.