Mitchell Scott  Lewis

Mitchell Scott Lewis

Mitchell Scott Lewis has been a professional astrologer for more than two decades, specializing in relationships, financial and medical issues. Throughout the 90’s, he worked on the N. Y. Mercantile Exchange as an astrological trader and analyst. He foretold the rise of oil prices, collapse of the housing market, and the ‘08 crash, which he precisely forecast within days of its occurrence more than a year in advance. He’s a regular guest on the national radio show Coast to Coast where he predicts world events. He'll be lecturing at the United Astrologer’s Conference in Chicago in May, the largest gathering of astrologers in America. His N.Y. based Starlight Detective Agency mystery series highlights astrologer/detective David Lowell. The 3rd novel, Evil in the 1st House, was recently published by Poisoned Pen Press. Satan in the 2nd House coming soon. Mitchell is also an accomplished singer/songwriter with a nationally charted single and taught jazz at the New School in NYC for years.