Sharon Kathryn D’Agostino
Sharon Kathryn D’Agostino is the creator of As a former business executive, she was a compassionate leader of highly motivated and successful teams. She has taken that experience and applied it to her belief in fostering the strength and inherent wisdom of families and communities when they commit to advancing gender equality, access to education, and the financial empowerment of all. Sharon launched to create a place where any woman or girl can share her story of overcoming fears, self-limiting beliefs, or cultural norms that prevents her from healthy growth and development. Sharing it forward, for each story posted in 2018, Say It Forward donates $25 to support the Women Deliver Young Leaders Program. Since 2010, the Women Deliver Young Leaders Program has trained, elevated, and empowered hundreds of youth advocates. Say It Forward has also committed funds to the International Counsel of Midwives.