Teresa  Alesch

Teresa Alesch

TERESA ALESCH, author, mom,wife Hometown education administrator, is a “life-winning” cancer fighter. Her mission is to empower you to unlock your BRAVE by being resilient, intentional, and courageous in the midst of life’s adversities.
A former 6-12 school principal, Teresa serves as a special education regional administrator. Her passion for student and adult learners drives her work with schools and communities.
Her battles with cancer and loss and her walk through the aftermath revealed keys to finding perfection in imperfection.
Teresa is a John Maxwell Team coach, speaker, and trainer, a tribe member of Igniting Souls, a founding member of Courageously Free Women, a women’s ministry to inspire and encourage women in their journey of Christ-centered living, and With Eyes Wide Open, a group of Christian authors who have united to passionately take on worldly views with truth and light.