Angie  Twydall

Angie Twydall

Angie Twydall is a Therapist, Healer, Yoga Teacher, Doula, Bee Keeper and Priestess with over 17 years healing experience. She blends together the combination of practical experiences together with a magical, liminal life of living as a Priestess in Glastonbury UK. Her training includes different healing lineages; Grail Mystery School, Celtic Priestess of Rhiannon, Dragon lineages. Her healing work is supported by teachings from NFSH, Reiki, Shamanic, sexual and emotional healing, the Path of Love & Sacred Union and informed by the Fountain of Angie teaches the Priestess Healer course for Glastonbury Goddess Temple and also facilitates the Red Tent Moonlodge in Glastonbury. She Priestesses at the annual Glastonbury Goddess Conference and works at the Goddess House. Angie is also a Sacred Bee Guardian. The passions and wisdom of the bees Angie is now sharing through workshops, bee oracle deck cards and a new novel to be published this year.