Cindy  Rockwell

Cindy Rockwell

Cindy Rockwell's career spans over 20 years of strategic leadership experience in the areas of IT-driven service delivery and management, business planning and transformational design. She has worked as an executive with Principal Financial Group, Group VP at Wells Fargo, CEO of software company CustomerVision, and is now a Managing Partner with Keyot, a management consulting firm. Utilizing her many years of experience in the technology world, Cindy leads Keyot’s Crew212 national program, which helps drive corporate workforce transformations to account for the growing portion of the global workforce dominated by the youngest two generations. She is also involved in encouraging young women to pursue STEM careers through the Trailblazers event, which invites young women who have yet to enter the workforce to receive valuable insight from a panel of other young women who are already in successful STEM careers.