Christine  Schlonski

Christine Schlonski

Christine Schlonski, aka The Queen of the Sales-Success-Mindset, is a multi-talented leader in the field of Sales Mindset, Motivation & Strategies. She helps heart-centered, soul-driven entrepreneurs to stop choking when making an offer to your ideal client by teaching you how to shift your mindset & stepping into your innate power & sell with confidence. When you own your value & the value of your work, making offers becomes fun & exciting. When you learn that you CAN sell with ease & grace in total alignment with your core values & your heart, you’ll be able to create & afford the lifestyle of your dreams. As a Sales Mindset Coach, E.F.T. Practitioner & International Motivational Speaker Christine’s skills blend the tangible with the intangible. She empowers her students to take ownership of their sales journey, let go of their fear of selling on the phone & successful delivery no matter where they are on that path. Her Credo: Stop JUST Dreaming. Act NOW!