Susan Barber
I’m grateful to have worked with people who are dying, and those who care for them, for 30 years. My work is a daily honoring of Stephen & Ondrea Levine, whose books, lectures, and workshops saved my life at a time when friends were dying left and right during the SF AIDs crisis.
As a hospice volunteer coordinator for 20+ years, I've trained 650+ people whose desire is to support the dying, and their families.
4/20/18 we have completed training 9 men incarcerated in San Quentin, as Compassionate End of Life volunteers.
As a Community Educator, I continue to be inspired by those who show up curious, bereft, inspired, to be of service, to learn, and to honor those who have died. They have been, and continue to be, my teachers.
Working the last 3.5 years at Mission Hospice & Home Care has been extraordinary. Mission Hospice & Home Care remains one of the few not for profit, community founded and centered hospice program in the US, and as such are innovators for our community.