Professor Tim Noakes
Professor Noakes has published more than 750 scientific books and articles. He has been cited
more than 16 000 times in scientific literature, has an H-index of 71 and is rated an A1 scientist
by the National Research Foundation of South Africa. After coming across research which
denounced current international dietary guidelines as fallacy, Prof Noakes started researching
the effects of carbohydrates, proteins and fats on the human race. His research convinced him
that a high fat, low carb diet is the healthiest option for many.
After being left frustrated by a decline in his personal health, Prof Noakes has made it his
mission to reverse the global trend and redefine the dietary guidelines. The Noakes Foundation
is the catalyst for this change. It seeks to reveal what genuine healthy nutrition looks like and, in
doing so, make a difference in the lives of millions of people.