Alain  Espinosa

Alain Espinosa

Alain Espinosa brings more than 21 years of cybersecurity and IT experience spanning various companies and industries, ranging from non-profit organizations to global enterprises including Siemens and Google. He is currently the Director of Security Operations for Online Business Systems where he is helping companies of all sizes develop, implement, and maintain in-depth cybersecurity solutions. Espinosa has also been featured on NBC News regarding ID theft, juice jacking, ATM skimming, and other personal security concerns. Currently, Espinosa serves on the board of directors for the InfraGard National Members Alliance, a partnership between the FBI and members of the private sector, where he helps lead efforts to protect the 16 critical infrastructures of the nation. He is the Chairman of the InfraGard Technology Committee which recommends and implements technology for the organization and partners with the FBI on technology roadmaps.