Radio Episodes
12/18/2019 patience-and-positive-choices-for-peace-present-womens-hearts

Patience and Positive Choices for Peace, Present, Women's Hearts

Starstyle®-Be the Star You Are!®
How often does impatience impact your relationships? Thought Leader on Peace and Positive Relationships, Nola Hennessy CEO of Serenidad Consulting® and founder of The Peace Ranch® concept, explains how growing patience, being discerning in our choices and always speaking truth will lead us on a path to achieving peace within ourselves and being better equipped to achieve peace, trust and harmony in our relationships with others. Listen Now

6/23/2019 community


Express Yourself!
How do we define community? Is it a group of people coming together? Is it a place? Listen Now

4/28/2019 the-gift-of-appreciation

The Gift of Appreciation

Express Yourself!
The more we appreciate the little things in life, the more big things will appear that enhance and empower us. Listen Now

9/12/2018 cynthia-brian-the-empowerment-architect

Cynthia Brian the Empowerment Architect

Working on Purpose
At a time when we are constantly bombarded with messages that the world has innumerable problems, from disease to hunger to terrorism, here stands a counter voice. Listen Now

4/18/2018 toxic-friends-breaking-up-with-busy-raising-sweet-kids

Toxic Friends, Breaking Up with Busy, Raising Sweet Kids

Starstyle®-Be the Star You Are!®
Do you feel guilty when you delete a friend? It doesn’t matter whether someone is a relative, romantic interest, childhood friend or a new acquaintance, if they cause you pain or make you feel “less than” it’s time to remove them from your life. Listen Now

2/21/2017 feminism


Express Yourself!
What is feminism? Does it refer to a diverse variety of beliefs, ideas, movements, and agendas for action? Listen Now

7/26/2016 the-gift-of-acting

The Gift of Acting

Express Yourself!
Have you always been interested in the entertainment industry? Did you know that acting happy will change your emotions to being more cheerful? Listen Now