Mei Lin  Fung

Mei Lin Fung

Mrs. Mei Lin Fung is a technology pioneer working to ensure that technology works for humanity. In 1989 she was part of the 2-person skunkworks team that developed “OASIS,” the first customer relationship management (CRM) system. She later served as socio-technical lead for the US Dept. of Defense’s Federal Health Futures initiative. In 2015, she joined “father of the Internet,” Vint Cerf, to co-found the “People-Centered Internet,” which maintains a global network of “positive change agents” committed to ensuring that technology is developed with a “people-centered” focus – increasing access while ensuring equality, protecting the vulnerable, and human well-being. She serves on the Steering Committee for Internet for All. She is vice-chair for Internet Inclusion within the Institute for Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) Internet Initiative & Smart Village. She also facilitated the working group on Cross Border Data Flows at the World Economic Forum ASEAN Summit in Hanoi.