John  Register

John Register

Change management speaker John Register returned home from his deployment unscathed. However, he would become one of the 70% of service men and women who are hurt outside of combat. As a member of the Army's World Class Athlete Program, John was destined to make the Olympic Team. But one day, while training, Register mis-stepped a hurlde, hyper-extended his knee, and just 5 short days later he became an amputee. Yet, John would go from the post traumatic loss of his leg to the post traumtic growth of winning the silver medal on one leg and setting an American record in the process and thereby creating his new normal.
As a highly sought-after keynote speaker, John is the President and CEO of Inspired Communications International, LLC, an experiential professional speaking company showing businesses how to hurdle adversity and create the new normal to win the medals in their life.