Matthew Horace
Matthew W. Horace is a law enforcement and security expert analyst, senior crisis manager and contributor to the Wall Street Journal “Crisis OF The Week” column. His commentary and experience have been a dependable voice on national law enforcement interest events and crisis. He has also been featured on broadcast news segments on MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC, The BBC, CNN International and local affiliate stations throughout The United States and abroad.
He is a twenty-eight-year veteran of federal, state, and local law enforcement, ascending to the Senior Executive Service (SES) rank in the United States Department of Justice managing local, regional, national, and international investigations.
He is an adjunct professor at Farleigh Dickinson University. Published in 2016, Horace coauthored the bestseller THE C.A.L.L., an anthology of short stories written by black men aimed to inspire Character, Accountability, Love, and Leadership in young men as they enter adulthood.