Jadina  Lilien

Jadina Lilien

Jadina Lilien leads national and international workshops in Systemic Constellations. She has a unique ability to tap into the natural healing potential within all of us, yet bigger than us. Her combination of innate ability and meticulous training gives her offerings great power. Jadina meets participants in a way that helps them move forward, untangle knots, and access their own relationship to Source. She inspires participants to live the deeper beauty behind their story. Jadina is an artist with a Master of Fine Arts degree from NYU, studies meditation, dreams and symbolism with Llewellyn Vaughn-Lee, is proficient with Focusing Process and Active Imagination initiated by Carl Jung. She trained in Family Constellation at the Bert Hellinger Institute, USA, and with European teachers. Jadina’s recent screenplay Ghosthorse was awarded a New York Foundation for the Arts fellowship. She is co-author of the book, Butterfly Against the Wind available on Amazon. See www.jadinalilien.com