Hyla Cass, MD

Hyla Cass, MD

Hyla Cass, MD is a physician, psychiatrist and frequently quoted expert in the area of natural approaches to mental and physical health. She combines the best of leading-edge natural medicine with the modern science in her clinical practice, and writings, lectures, and nationwide media appearances, including The Dr. Oz Show, The View, E-Entertainment, and the Huffington Post. She helps individuals withdraw from psychiatric medications and substances of abuse, or to avoid medication altogether, through the use of specific natural supplements. She has created a unique, high quality line of nutritional supplements, and is the author of several popular books including Supplement Your Prescription, Natural Highs, 8 Weeks to Vibrant Health, The Amazing Itty Bitty Guide to Cannabis, and The Addicted Brain and How to Break Free. A well-known international speaker, she lectures to the public as well as her medical colleagues on these same topics.