Barbara Cox

Barbara Cox

My early life: I was born at 28 weeks in the 60s and not expected to live (this was the caveman days before technology :) ) – I did live, and I’m here now. I was raised in a military family where we moved almost yearly, so I learned to be a chameleon and relate to many different people. My parents went thru a bitter divorce and so I was raised by a divorced/single mom often times near homeless/poverty, put myself thru UCSD and grad school, after UCSD I worked for the DOD. Then decided to go to grad school. I’ve always been interested in human nature and what makes people tick. I never planned to be an entrepreneur, although even tho I never made my choices on how to make the most money, I like money, so even in college, and despite coming from that poverty I always found the jobs that made good money to put myself thru school.