Derek Graziano

Derek Graziano

Derek Graziano, owner of Sources of Sound in Asheville, NC is a Luthier, Lapidarist, Musician, and Sound Healing practitioner, specializing in sonic vibrations through crystals. "Crystals are connected to the Mothership Earth. Being connected to crystals through the music as well as the electromagnetic dynamic of thoughts and emotions can do a lot of good for both one performing on, and those listening to instruments with crystals incorporated in them. Derek creates gemstone bridges/bridge caps for existing instruments, monochords, hammered dulcimers, Native American style flutes, sonic/crystal smudge/activation wands, and even custom harps. He also embeds crystal grids onto the sound boards of the instruments he builds from scratch and in existing instruments to help upgrade their vibration. Derek’s gemstone creations help amplify the already inherent healing vibrations of music, our thoughts and our emotions through the specific properties present in different types of crystals.