Ashok SIvanand

Ashok SIvanand

Ashok SIvanand is a co-founder and the CEO at Integral, a product development consultancy that works closely with mobility companies to build and iterate on solutions that help move the world. Integral’s mission is to make mobility a right. Prior to Integral, Ashok held leadership roles at Pivotal, a cloud-technology company that IPO’d in April 2018, Shoplogix, an IoT company that got acquired by Constellation software, and at CAMI automotive, a collaboration between General Motors and Suzuki. Ashok has dedicated most of his career to enabling the manufacturing and automotive industries through software and technology. His areas of expertise are lean product management, agile software engineering, and theory of constraints. Ashok is passionate about gender and race equity amongst technologists and co-founded to help bridge the diversity gaps that exist in our ecosystem.