Kate Bradley Chernis

Kate Bradley Chernis

Kate Bradley Chernis is Founder CEO of Lately, an AIpowered dashboard thats reinventing the marketing process to give individual marketers the power to create and scale smarter, more consistent messaging. With Lately, Davids become Goliaths. Lately began from a spreadsheet system Kate created for thenclient Walmarts partnership with United Way Worldwide, National Disability Institute, and tens of thousands of local, business and nonprofit affiliates. Prior to Kates work, they all had the same problems: a lack of coordination, widespread redundancies, no visibility and no organization. With Kates system, they achieved a 130, 3year, yearoveryear ROI. In fact, Kate found similar success with all of her clients, regardless of industry or company size. So, with a superhero team, she created Lately to organize the mess, automate repetitive processes and eliminate the overwhelming feeling that every marketer shed met had complained about.