Dr. Julee Hafner

Dr. Julee Hafner

Julee Hafner Ph. D., became curious about how leaders can successfully change and update their skills. She has been researching this idea of unlearning, brain updating, and continues to find it fascinating. Everyone must be adept in doing things differently. Now with uncertainty in our world, fear of change is increasing dramatically. Competently navigating through the perilous journey of personal change, can be difficult. Dr. Julee helps others developing the ability to remove non-productive skills that limit us. She knows communication leadership as a coach helping people to be better speakers – her motto is everything begins with good communication! Host of What to Say, podcast, the author of 2 best-selling books on communication skills: The 7 Tactics to Communication Completions and The Workbook (by the same name). Find her online at: http://VirtualStrategyMakers.com.