Huma Kirmani

Huma Kirmani

Huma Kirmani is from Pakistan; she loves to write prose and poetry about life in all its various genres. She is excited to share what inspires her to work for a better world, and learn what inspires others. She writes for readers of any age, culture, faith, or background who want to explore the importance of the spiritual and inspirational and spin the wheel of life. She is an author and has written 13 books. She is a public speaker, a social activist, a mentor and an honorary member of United Nations of Pakistan. Her first novel, ”Corridors of Transmutation, “ is on Afghan war and refugees crisis. Her passion for writing this novel to depict the misery of war children as the pathetic sufferers of humiliation at the worst threshold of the tyranny of war and terrorism. She speaks about awareness on Human Rights, Women Rights and Child Abuse at various forums as a Chief Speaker, and is a sponsored member of IWWG which has been supporting women writers.