Antonia Crane

Antonia Crane

Antonia Crane is the author of the memoir, “Spent.” She is a stripper/Sex Worker, activist, filmmaker and writing instructor. Her writing can be found in The New York Times, The Believer, The Toast, Playboy, Cosmopolitan, Narratively, Salon, Bustle, HuffPost, The Rumpus, Electric Literature, DAME, The Establishment, The Los Angeles Review, Quartz, Medium, and lots of other places. She is the grand prize winner for PRISM International’s nonfiction contest for her essay “How to Dig A Ditch” (Winter, 2019). Antioch University Los Angeles Awarded her Distinguished Alum in the Area of Activism and Community Service (2018). She wrote and produced the episode “POPPY” for the scripted series DRIVEN. Her screenplay The Lusty (co-written by Transparent director Silas Howard) is a recipient of the San Francisco Film Society/Kenneth Rainin Foundation Grant in screenwriting. She teaches essay and memoir at UCLA Extension.