Alan Berman

Alan Berman

Alan Berman is an MBCP, President and CEO for Disaster Recovery Institute International (DRI International) and the President of the DRI Charitable Foundation. During his career he has been President of Major US Bank Subsidiary, CIO for Major Trust Company, National Practice Leader for Operational Resiliency (PricewaterhouseCoopers), Global BCM practice leader (Marsh) and Program Director for BCM for a Major Healthcare organization. He has served on Homeland Security Standards Panel, US congressional committee Project for National Security Reform, ANSI-ANAB Council of Experts, NYC Partnership for Risk Management and Security, and Chair for the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation committee to create the new standard for the US Private Sector Preparedness Act (PS-Prep) His career in cyber security spans 4 decades. He serves as an adviser to companies and governments around the world.