Keira Poulson

Keira Poulson

Keira Poulsen is a mother to 5 amazing kids. She is also an inspirational speaker and loves to share the message of hope and light with those around her. Keira is an intuitive energetic healer, and the creator of The Awaken Program. One of her most favorite roles is being the host of the Awaken Podcast Show. This is where she shares her message of awakening and living life through from our Divine Greatness. Last August, Keira published her first book- “The Hidden Gifts Within the Trauma of Sexual Abuse,” and is working on her second book- “Warriors of Light; stories of hope and healing.” Keira has spent the last 17 years in the world of healing. She is a believer that when we address our trauma pain; we awaken our deepest gifts. She loves to teach women how to heal their own physical and emotional pain through The Awaken Program, which is a digital course on healing.