Pat DeYoung

Pat DeYoung

Pat DeYoung is a Registered Psychotherapist and a Registered Social Worker. She has been a full-time therapist in private practice since 1996. She works with adult individuals and with couples. Many of her clients would consider themselves part of the LGBTQ community. The hallmark of her work is understanding her clients with genuine presence and empathy. Pat DeYoung is faculty emeritus at the Toronto Institute for Relational Psychotherapy ( and also supervises psychotherapists and clinical social workers in the community. Pat has a Masters of Social Work and a PhD in Philosophy of Education from the University of Toronto. Pat has written two books, one called Relational Psychotherapy: A Primer (first edition, 2003, current edition 2015), and the other, also published in 2015, called Understanding and Treating Chronic Shame: A Relational/Neurobiological Approach.