Michael E Howard
Dr. Michael Howard is a clinical neuropsychologist, rehabilitation psychologist, and health psychologist who received his Ph.D. in 1981 from the University of Missouri-Columbia. He is an internationally-recognized researcher and speaker on aging and longevity, brain-behavior relationships, traumatic brain injury and concussion, dementia, stroke, addiction, and rehabilitation. Dr. Howard has had appointments to three medical schools and has headed three neuropsychology and behavioral medicine departments. He has lectured nationally and abroad for many years and his current major research interests are aging and longevity, disease prevention, physical and mental fitness, mental disorders, sleep and sleep disorders, and stress management. Dr. Howard is the author of the book Living To Be 100. Dr. Howard currently resides in Texas and is a consultant lecturer, author, and researcher for the Academy of Biotechnology, Institute for Natural Resources, and Biomed General Corporation.