Heather Shea  Claudia Welss

Heather Shea Claudia Welss

Heather Shea is the CEO and Spiritual Director of The United Palace of Spiritual and Cultural Arts. The fourth largest theater in Manhattan is more than just a unique venue, it is a hub of creative expression and personal growth designed with and for the community, a venue that fuses spirituality, the arts, culture and entertainment. United Palace hosts Dr. Deepak Chopra Oct. 2, 2019 for the launch of his new book Metahuman (for tickets see www.unitedpalace.org). Claudia Welss, who interviews Dr. Deepak Chopra, is Board Chair of the Institute fo Noetic Sciences (IONS: www.noetic.org). IONS was founded by astronaut and moon lander Edgar Mitchell based on a realization he experienced returning from moon. When he saw the earth from space he realized that we are truly "all in one fragile boat" and that the unity of science and spirituality are key to our survival and positive future. Ms. Welss joins Dr. Chopra in our "CHANGE MAKERS: Leadership and Transformation" special magazine.