Scott DeGraeve

Scott DeGraeve

Scott DeGraeve is an experienced practitioner in the on-line grocery space. He has 20+ years of hands-on experience and continues to be one of the thought leaders in the development of the channel. He spent 15 years on the executive team at Peapod, where he held a variety of general management roles. He was COO at Door to Door Organics and has consulted with a number of grocers helping them in all aspects of their on-line businesses. He is currently co-founder and COO at Locai Solutions. Locai provides strategic and operational consulting to retailers, and offers a highly personalized end to end software platform for enabling ecommerce. Locai’s white label software suite includes a personalized meal planning application that provides a convenient 1-click shopping experience, an Endless Aisle application to expand a grocer’s assortment and a fulfillment application for use in-stores, dark stores and robotics operations.