Andrew Dorough

Andrew Dorough

Andrew Dorough, DC, CACCP, holds a Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Logan College of Chiropractic in St Louis MO. He has also earned a post-graduate certification from the International Chiropractic Pediatrics Association (ICPA). Dr. Dorough has published in the Journal of Clinical Chiropractic Pediatrics, and he has also contributed case studies to Logan College and the Practice Based Research Network with ICPA. Practicing at Little Flower Family Medicine, he assesses, addresses and treats infants with various forms of structural issues, including (but not limited to) cranial bone deformation, cervical spine dysfunction, and oral-pharyngeal dysfunction. Through early recognition, he has successfully reduced the impact of these dysfunctions on the infant’s inability to latch, suck, swallow, and breathe while breastfeeding. A native of St. Louis MO, Dr. Dorough is known for providing highly skilled and safe treatment to prenatal, maternal, postnatal, neonatal, and infant patients.