Chrissy Chromczak

Chrissy Chromczak

Chrissy Chromczak is a Senior Consultant Pharmacist for one of the largest health insurance companies in the United States. She graduated with her Doctor of Pharmacy degree in 2007 and at that time, was automagically put into a leadership position. As a certified coach, trainer and speaker on the John Maxwell Team, she learned that positional leadership is only the first step in the 5 levels of leadership. She then went on to create a business with the intent of equipping leaders for success whether they may be new in their leadership roles or want to enhance their current leadership abilities. Have you ever had a manager, boss or supervisor who was not a good leader The majority of people answer affirmatively. Can you confidently say that the people youre leading are not thinking the same about you Average people want you to stay average. If you hope to be more than average and meet with success in your life or business, then you will be excited to hear more from Chrissy.