Radio Episodes
9/24/2020 pre-med-student-advice-listener-qanda

Pre-Med Student Advice; Listener Q&A

Getting In: A College Coach Conversation
For those students interested in pursuing med school post-college, engaging with your pre-med advisor will be an important part of the process. Listen Now

2/13/2020 5-things-juniors-should-do-now-free-test-prep-resources

5 Things Juniors Should Do Now; Free Test Prep Resources

Getting In: A College Coach Conversation
Test prep can be an expensive undertaking, yet we recommend that every student do some prep before they take the ACT or SAT. We’ll be discussing free test prep resources—what’s out there and which options are best. For juniors, we have advice on the top five things you should be doing now to get started on the college search and application process, and the top five things you and your families should know as you prepare to pay for college. Listen Now

11/7/2019 top-5-college-application-mistakes-too-many-applications

Top 5 College Application Mistakes; Too Many Applications

Getting In: A College Coach Conversation
Every year we read about students who apply to far too many schools, topping out at 20, 30, and even 40 or more applications. While we appreciate the temptation to do more given how uncertain the process can feel, our experience shows us time and again that too many applications is a big mistake. Listen Now