Dr. Ming  Yang

Dr. Ming Yang

Dr. Yang is an internationally recognized expert in environment protection. Over the past 28 years, he has lived and worked in more than 60 countries in the world. Since 2008, he has settled in the US but frequently travelled to China, working with the Chinese government and the private sector to improve China’s environment. In 2015, he became a volunteer of board director of the International Fund for China’s Environment (IFCE), providing strategic vision and guidance for the development of the IFCE and working on China’s environment related issues. Dr. Yang used to work as Energy and Environment Economist, and Energy Technology Economist at the International Energy Agency (IEA) of the OECD in Paris. Before that, he was Energy Adviser and Climate Change Specialist in the Asian Development Bank. All his professional jobs are related to global environment with a focus on China. Dr. Yang holds a Ph.D. in energy engineering and economics. He has publication of six books and mor